Navy Children School

Affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE),Chanakyapuri, Delhi.

Quick Contact

If you have any questions simply use the following contact details.

Naval Complex at Satya Marg, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi-110021.

Frequently Asked Questions

Scientific Study School Management Software is so intuitive and user-friendly. Our end-users find it very simple to raise a ticket and support agents are able to easily transfer tickets within departments.

Scientific Study School Management Software is so intuitive and user-friendly. Our end-users find it very simple to raise a ticket and support agents are able to easily transfer tickets within departments.

Scientific Study School Management Software is so intuitive and user-friendly. Our end-users find it very simple to raise a ticket and support agents are able to easily transfer tickets within departments.

Smiling Face, Creative Work.

Excellence Everywhere, Everytime

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